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Tattooed Public Figure ● Mr Birmingham
King Body Art

Wednesday 04th June 2014 ~ Selfridges B'ham
Alternative Beauty. Does Body Art belong in the Beauty Hall ? click picture to go to ticket booking. (Its free)
Selfridges made contact with me to see if I would be interested in being a guest speaker as part of Selfrides nationwide #BeautyProject campain.
They have invested a lot of money and when I say a lot of money we are talking millions into giving stores up and down the country a face lift whilst bringing new products in store.
As I am from Birmingham they requested my guest spot would be located in their iconic Bull Ring store in the heart of the city of Birmingham. How could I refuse.
Hired to discuss alternative beauty a little about my journey, and venture into topics on Body Modification and Tattoos with a live audience during open hours.
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