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Big Inky hugs to all the people across all the charities I am involved with. Without good people doing amazing things and donations the world would be in a very poor way. We take many things for granted whilst others require / need help.

Some of the organizations I have worked with.

I was nominated to do the Ice Bucket challange in August 2014. Not being one who wastes water as I know how hard it is for some people in other parts of the world to obtain clean water. Went under the Needle with help from Alan Cooke at House ov Pain Tattoo studio in coventry. who donated his time with free charity tattoo!


I hope people will see that water aid is an important charity and make a small donation what ever you can afford even if its only 50 pence.

Cancer Research has saved millions of lives by discovering new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer. Over the past century, our researchers have made consistent progress in the fight against cancer, and survival rates have doubled over the past 40 years.

My dad is my hero born in 1946 after the 2nd world war he has fought many battles he now fights Bone cancer. I have been in the labs at Europes largest research centre in Selly Oak, Birmingham and always happy to get involved. Cancer kills and it doesnt have to! This is one illness that sadly has crossed into many peoples lives at some point.

This organisation was set up by a group of families with Deaf children offereing help and support to families with Deaf children.

I was honoured to be in north wales towards the end of August 2014 and take part in a 7 and half mile walk for the charity with other television reality stars.


The History Channel Regal Pawn was our HQ for the day.

Age UK believe in a world where everyone can love later life. Age UK is here to inspire, enable and support older people to help people make the most of later life.


Ourselves are on a journey and going to get older and older and Its something that we can not out run is the hands of time.


I support Age UK they do great things and offer fantastic services and support to people in later years. Would you not want that when you reach a matured age ?

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an anxiety disorder related to body image. If you have BDD, you experience concerns about your appearance that cause you significant anxiety and have a disruptive effect on your life. You may also develop routines and habits, such as excessive use of mirrors or picking your skin, to deal with the worries you have about the way you look. These habits usually have a significant impact on your ability to carry on with your day-to-day life.


I have just contributed to a Mental Helath book called 'False bodies, True selves; Moving beyond apperance focused identity struggles and returning to the true self' is being published by: Karnac 2015 in chapter six about Body Canvas, Skin and its journey.

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